Online defense of graduation papers at ”Nicolae Testemitanu” State University of Medicine and Pharmacy
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At Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova has started the online defense of graduation papers – the first important stage of the graduation exams.
According to the First Vice-Rector Olga Cernetchi, vice-rector for didactic activity, to the graduation exams shall be admitted the students who have fully completed the curriculum and have accumulated the established number of credits – 360 for 12 semesters, 300 credits for 10 semesters or 240 – for 8 annual semesters, but also those who have received the grade "admitted" at the pre-defense of their bachelor's thesis within the department where the research was conducted.
”The public defense of a bachelor thesis is a mandatory part of the graduation exam. This year, due to COVID-19 pandemic, according to the decision of the University Senate, the defense of theses is carried out online”, mentioned the First Vice-Rector Olga Cernetchi.
Silvia Stratulat, Head of the Department of Teaching and Academic Management, maintains that students shall present the results of conducted research to be assessed by the commissions responsible for evaluating bachelor's theses, established by order of the rector, based on the criteria stipulated in the Regulation on the Development and Defense of Bachelor Theses at Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Pharmacy and Medicine.
”For the first time, this year, the scientific leaders of bachelor's theses will not evaluate the graduation papers during the public defense event, they will only attend the presentation and will participate in discussions. However, the Commission will evaluate a bachelor thesis according to the following criteria: the quality of carried out research, the drafting and observance of structuring rules, the bibliography, the oral presentation and the accuracy of answers to examiners' questions”, said Silvia Stratulat.
The process of public defense of bachelor theses started on May 17 and will end on May 28, according to the schedules approved for each study program: Medicine, Preventive Medicine – May 17-28, Pharmacy and Optometry – May 24-28, and Dentistry – May 25-28.
Watching the bachelor theses defense process in several commissions, professor Olga Cernetchi appreciated the high level of training of future doctors and pharmacists and expressed her conviction that the Graduating Class of 2021, although deprived of the right to normal learning, would be like a breath of fresh air for the health system. At the same time, the First Vice-Rector wished the graduating students notable success in achieving this goal, and her colleagues – the satisfaction of a job well done.
We would like to mention that, this year, the graduation exam will take place in two stages: online defense of bachelor theses and computer-assisted testing in the University Management Information System by solving a test containing 100 items. The grade obtained at this assessment stage is irrevocable and cannot be challenged.
This year, graduation exams will be taken by 1000 students.
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